08930 Sant Adrià de Besòs
Barcelona, (Spain)
Contact: Albert Tarancon
Tel.: +34933562615 Ext 206
Mail: atarancon@irec.cat
Twiter: @atlab15
Open Positions
We are continuously offering several Ms.C. and Bachelor thesis. Also, PhD students are very welcome to apply for grants with us.
If you are interested in our research lines and ongoing projects, do not hesitate and contact us!
PhD Position, High-fidelity multiphysics modelling of solid oxide fuel cells and electrolisers in collaboration with BSC.
Post-doc researcher on development of monolithic SOFC device fabricated by additive manufacturing for portable applications.
PhD grant on Development of SOEC technology for industrial applications: From materials science to the system engineering.
PhD grant on New and enhanced SOC technology: 3D printing for SOEC manufacturing.
More information here