Kosova Kreka

Kosova Kreka

After finishing her bachelors in Physics, Kosova was part of a European program called master in material science exploring large scale facilities (MaMaSELF). She obtained her M.Sc in material science from University of Torino and Ludwig...

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Lucile Bernadet

Lucile Bernadet

Lucile Bernadet was graduated in 2013 as engineer specialized in storage and conversion of energy from the Graduate School of Chemistry, Physics and Biology of Bordeaux (ENSCBP). She continued her studies with a PhD received in 2016 from the...

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Juan Carlos González Rosillo

Juan Carlos González Rosillo

Juan Carlos Gonzalez-Rosillo obtained holds a M.Sc. in Materials Science and Nanotechnology and a PhD in Materials Science from the University Autonomous of Barcelona. He performed his MSc and PhD research (2011-2017) at the Materials Science...

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Antonio Gianfranco Sabato

Antonio Gianfranco Sabato

Dr. Sabato successfully obtained a Master degree in Materials Engineer (2013) and a PhD in Materials Science and Technology (2017) at Politecnico di Torino. After his PhD he continued his research thans to two years post-doc fellowship. His...

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Francesco Chiabrera

Francesco Chiabrera

Francesco Chiabrera holds a M.Sc. in energy and nuclear engineering from the Polytechnic of Turin and a Ph.D. in nanoscience from the University of Barcelona. He has carried out Ph.D. research at the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC)...

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Federico Baiutti

Federico Baiutti

Dr. Federico Baiutti holds a M.Sc. in Materials Engineering from the University of Trieste and a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Stuttgart. He has carried out PhD (2011-2015) and PostDoc (2015-2016) research at the Max-Planck Institute...

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Marc Nuñez

Marc Nuñez

Marc received his Nanophysics Master degree in 2002 and his PhD in 2005 in the topic of graphene nanodevices patterning and characterisation by electron microscopies at the Paul Sabatier’s University of Toulouse. Since then he has been putting...

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